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编辑:admin 时间:2021年04月14日 访问次数:1123

一、平台连接地址: https://china.elgaronline.com/browse?access=user&level=parent





Edward Elgar是一家专业的国际学术出版社,专注于经济管理社会、政治科学法律领域,年出版量大约400种。Edward Elgar出版物获得众多国际名校以及社会组织的广泛认可,其中包括各国顶尖高校如美国所有常青藤院校牛津大学剑桥大学世界银行、国际货币基金组织、欧洲议会、欧洲基金会、欧洲大学研究院等,其部分学科被引率甚至超过世界最大的几家商业出版社

Elgaronline是Edward Elgar的电子书平台,目前平台共计电子书4800余种。涵盖学科:法律、政治、社科、经济、教育等。




3、响应式网站设计 - 为小屏幕调整页面和菜单的大小,以便在手机和平板电脑上轻松使用




        Elgaronline电子书平台在试用期间开放2015-2017年出版的电子书。各位读者无需注册,直接点击https://china.elgaronline.com/browse?access=user&level=parent 即可访问。页面左侧是检索栏,可按照学科分类检索题名检索关键字检索等方式检索相关图书信息,或点击右上角高级检索,可以更具体的对电子书进行布尔逻辑检索。点击对应的电子书即可下载该电子书的各个章节或全文,支持PDF格式以及Epub格式。


Ebook website:


How to Access: Ip controlled, no concurrency limits

Trial period: 2021/Apr/13th -2021/Jun/12th

About The Platform

Edward Elgar Publishing is a leading international academic and professional publisher with a strong focus on the social sciences and legal fields.Around 400 titles are published annually. Edward Elgar publications are widely recognized by many universities and social organizations, including top universities in the world such as all Ivy League schools in the United States, Oxford University, Cambridge University, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, European Parliament, European Foundation, European University. Research institutes, etc., some subjects are even more cited than the world's largest commercial publishers.

Elgaronline is the content platform for Edward Elgar Publishing’s books, reference works and journals, including Encyclopedia, Research Handbooks, scholarly monographs, companions, Research Literature Reviews and much more.

Over 4800 titles on the platform, including Law, Economics, Business & Management, Social & Political Science

Features for users:

l Intuitive user interface allows users to quickly search, filter and navigate content

l Easily download, print, save and share subscribed content

l Responsive site design – pages and menus resize for small screens for easy use on mobile phones and tablets

l Personal user accounts allow users to save or tag content, save searches or lists and set up alerts for new content(not available currently, but users still can view and download ebooks)

l Export citations to: EndNote, ProCite, ReferenceManager, RefWorks, BibTex and Zotero


During trial, you will be able to view ebooks published from year 2015 to 2017.No need to register, to view ebooks please click: https://china.elgaronline.com/browse?access=user&level=parent to get access to your ebooks. Ebooks can be refined by subjects,articles,chapters etc, or you can check advanced search on the top right of the website.